Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Now Blooming!

I love the beauty of Bright Blue Flax (Linum) in the morning sun

Creeping Veronica, Hens & Chicks, Ajuga and "FireWitch" soon to bloom

Here's what's "blooming" in my street!

Pasque Flowers are going to seed but still have a few blooms

False Forget-me-not "Jack Frost" with Dead Nettle and Brunnera "Heartleaf"

Still lots of beautiful tulips

Candytuft and Corsican Violas

Also not pictured: Ajuga Bugleweed, Ajuga Chocholate Chip
Daffodils (yes, we still have them the middle of may!)


Carol Michel said...

Thanks for participating in Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. I don't think we have had anyone else from Colorado participate. I see that we grow many of the same flowers, though it has been awhile since I've seen a fox in the street (if ever!) And our daffodils are long gone.

Deborah Verhoeven said...

Your garden is looking fabulous. Lots of color coming up.