Thursday, May 3, 2007

New Colors... New Gardening Inspiration!

New Inspiration

Okay, it's time for a change. I know these colors are probably "faddish" and other people have used them for years, but they are new to me this year and I am getting very inspired and anxious to add to my collection. I love what I call "Santa Fe blue." If you've ever been there you know what I mean. It's that bright eye-shocking, electric blue they use to set off many gardens and plants. (Also love the bright purple too!)

The "Front Porch Garden" above is where I would like to put them. However, being in the front it is quite susceptible to STEALING. There must be a place at the bottom of a scummy pond that is reserved for people who steal other people's flowers. It is difficult to believe there are scumbags that mean and evil who would take such joy away from others. I have had several beautiful arrangements stolen from my yard, and we live in a very quiet, nice neighborhood. One year they actually took off with a 3' planter box filled with beautiful salmon geraniums and bright blue lobelia (gorgeous!). It was bolted down to a brick retaining wall.

Anyway, I regress... I'll find a nice spot out back. Wouldn't these colors look nice with my front porch garden though??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG, someone just snipped my dwarf sunflower for the seeds, twice. I too live in a friendly neighborhood. I had no idea how common this was until I *hit* the Internet and found your lovely blog. take care.