Monday, July 2, 2007

Where I'm Spending My Time

Here is where I've been the last few days. Temps have been pretty warm during the day (86) yesterday and will be warmer today, which is nothing compared to other areas. Still, it's too hot to do any heavy gardening. I'm just trying to keep things cool and hydrated (including myself). The mornings have been quite cool out in the backyard in the mornings. Around 60 on the patio. The lows during the night have been about 49, so that's quite a temperature range. Typical for Colorado. So, I get up early in case the screaming kids next door decide to spend all day trying to see how loud they can be in their wading pool, sit in the shade until I'm shivering, then into the sun to water until I'm too hot, and so on.... such is the life of a gardner. I like this time of the season when most of the heavy chores have been done, and it's mostly a matter of maintaining and deadheading, plus a little weeding. Back to my book.


Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen said...

Move over a bit so that I can join you Bev. What a lovely place in your garden to spend some time enjoying the lovely scenery. :-)

And yes, this is a lovely time of year in the garden when there is just a bit of maintenance to do and lots to enjoy.

BTW congrats on your Hydrangea!!!!!

Connie said...

I am enjoying these summer days, as well! I find watering and dead-heading to be relaxing and refreshing time spent in the garden.

LostRoses said...

It has been hot, hasn't it? By the time I get home from (air-conditioned) work, it feels pretty nice on the shady patio. And a book is a perfect companion!

Bev said...

I wish you could all join me for a spell and we could talk gardening, cats, or whatever. And a good book never hurts.