Certainly the highlight of my garden right now is my small rose garden. I have never had so many blooms as this year! I think I owe it to the new organic fertilizer I used for the first time, Peace of Mind. I have applied it twice.
Many of my garden areas are in transition. The Salvias have all been cut back (boo hoo) and are beginning their second bloom, although not as full. I cut back my beautiful large Pink Poppy which was a star attraction next to the May Night Salvia and Snow in Summer (which looks dreadful at the moment). Next to take center stage will be the Russian Sage. They are the mainstay of the hell strips from now on, and are almost in bloom.
Several Yarrows are in bloom, including red (Paprika), white, purple and gold. Autumn Joy is beginning to bud (is it that time already?) Here are photos of some of the highlights of this July 2007 Bloom Day:
Other new blooms for July:
Gladiola - 1 so far
Cosmos - just beginning
Morning glories
Purple Monkshood
Continuing to bloom:
Rose Campion
California Poppies
Violas - many varieties
Dianthus - a few varieties
Companula Scottish Bells
Shasta Daisies
Herbs continue to do well, thyme is heading out and cilantro is bolting. My 2 lavenders are blooming but need to be in a location where they get more sun.
Vegetables: Second crop of lettuce is showing leaves. We actually have about 3 green tomatoes, which is exciting. Have been harvesting cucumbers, yellow squash and peppers.
I think your butterfly is a swallowtail and it sure makes your coneflower look prettier than mine! I planted an Endless Summer Hydrangea this spring, I love Hydrangea but their constant desire for water is always an issue for me but I keep planting them.
Your garden is beautiful, thanks for the tour!
Wow! Great pictures, especially the penstemon. I've given up trying to get pictures of mine.
Beautiful rose pictures. Thanks.
Your rose garden is a show stopper, one that makes your jaw drop when you see it.
Thanks for participating in Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!
Carol at May Dreams Gardens
Wow! Bev, what beautiful flowers you have. I think the butterfly a tiger swallowtail. It's beautiful. Great job!
Lovely Bev, simple and utterly lovely! Wow to that butterfly, how beautiful it is.
Great name for an organic fertilizer BTW. And how wonderful that you've had such great results with it!!!
BTW my blooms are up too.
Your Nymph Coral salvia is so pretty. I've never seen a salvia in that color. I like your Penstemons, too!
I think your butterfly might be a Tiger Swallowtail. Not completely sure, though...
Happy Bloom Day!
It's the middle of July and time for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day. You have lots of beautiful blooms in your garden. Lots is happening in My Canadian Garden ... hope you can stop by for a visit.
your rose garden is OUTSTANDING!! what an inspiration.
I love how colorful your garden is. My Creeping Jenny bloomed for the first time this year (that i noticed anyway) and was a carpet of color. It was borderline too bright but not really ;-)
Thank you all very much for your comments and interest in my blog!
Digital - I know what you mean about the "brightness" of Jenny. It changes color and intensity according to how much sun, I noticed. Great for a dark corner.
And thanks to all of you who identified my butterfly. I'm not an expert on them, for sure, but I do love them.
All of you Canadian Gardemers are making me more appreciate of your part of the world, and I'm amazed at how much we have in common. I'll at least visit you (Crafty) online!
Yolanda, Carol, and Robin, it's good to hear from you and I always appreciate your comments.
Bonnie, Apple, Christa, Gina & Iowa...it was nice of you to visit and I hope you come by often. I'll be sure to vist you.
Hi Bev,
Nice to meet you! I'm a Colorado Springs girl too---Palmer High class of '76! I no longer have family there, but still love to visit and stroll around downtown and the FAC. Saw a great exhibit at the FAC Modern last summer.
I had several neighbors while growing up in the old "North End" who were very avid gardeners. In fact, one of them suggested my career path as a landscape designer---I feel forever grateful, as I just love it, even after all of these years.
Glad to hear that you are letting the "gardening bug" run away with you!
Happy gardening,
Hello Bev,
You have a wonderful array of flowers for this mid-July Blooms Day. If the 'Coral Nymph' likes your garden you may have lots to give away... I bought one plant 5 or so years ago. That plant died, but there are always seedlings every year in late spring.
My fellow Austin gardener, Pam from 'Digging', would like to comment on your blog, but she's not on Blogspot/Blogger, and your comments set-up won't let her talk to you.... she left you a note in the comments at MayDreams garden.
Happy Garden Blogger Bloom Day!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Hi Bev,
thank you visiting my blog..
You asked for it:
Hollyhock Rust Control
Infected leaves should be removed and burned as soon as they are noticed. Rust-infected stalks should be removed as
soon as the plants are through blooming and destroyed with any leaves that have fallen. The round leaf mallow weed in
the vicinity should be destroyed as well to insure that the fungus has no material on which to survive the winter. Dusting
the plants with sulfur or spraying with fungicides will aid in controlling the disease. Many of the all-purpose garden
sprays or dusts contain chemicals that will aid in the disease control. Dusting and spraying should begin early in the
season making sure to keep new foliage covered with the spray or dust, especially the underside of the foliage.
Providing good air circulation about the plants will lessen the chance of the disease spreading. This may necessitate thinning out some plants.
Hope this helps you and your beautiful hollyhocks,
cheers Gisela
Bev, thanks so much for the hollyhock picture, it's a beauty! Your roses are just fabulous, I'm going to have to look into Peace of Mind.
I love that salvia, I found one this year called Navajo Pink which was also a stunner. Unfortunately I planted it near some wave petunias and I haven't seen it since (must move it).
Your penstemon looks like my favorite one also, which is over its first flush and is working on some more. I adore that carmine red and the shape of the flowers, don't you?
Lovely post!
Whoo Hoo look at that female..
~Eastern Tiger swallowtail~ butterfly! Great photo!!
Your garden is just ablaze with glorious blossoms!! Oh the roses!!I am now on my 3rd harvest of lavender growing in my garden of ~munstead~
I enjoyed viewing your delphinium as I did have one planted but it is not doing well as I think the rabbits are nibbling! :( NG
Thanks for sharing your gorgeous garden! Mine is still only a few years old, so I rarely post pics of the whole things - too many empty spots. I love the salvia "Nymph Coral".
Wow! Great blooms, and I love the butterfly!
Just beautiful! Would love to stroll through your garden and enjoy with all five senses instead of just the eyes. :-)
Connie - I'd love to have you stroll through my garden too!
Lisa - I was really luck with the butterfly...my first photo!
QT - I left a note on your blog.
NG - Thanks for letting me know my butterfly kind and especially that it is a GIRL... so great to know.
LostRoses... don't you wish more pink and red salvias were hardy here? I do!
Hello again Bev,
The Salvia coccinea 'Coral Nymph' isn't always perennial with me, although a plant will occasionally winter over next to a South brick wall. What it does is scatter seeds, and the seedlings pop up in spring.
If you like the flowers, I hope they pop up for you. Hummingbirds like it and the species is in the native wildflower database at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower center - maybe she liked this one as much as we do.
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Your butterfly photo is amazing! I enjoyed your gardens. It's good to know someone else talks to their flowers...lol
Bev... I have two comments for you over on my blog's Bloom Day post. The commenters aren't registered with Blogger so they couldn't comment directly. Perhaps you might consider the comment option that allows for non-Blogger commenters, but still protects you from spam (where you key in the letters shown?) Just a thought...
Your flowers are stunning! I have that same golden creeping jenny and mine is blooming this year also. I've had a lot of plants flower this year that have never bloomed for me before, or have bloomed sparsely. Love your garden.
Another awesome garden! I'm still establishing some gardens at my house. I will need to find out from you what attracts hummingbirds. I've made notes from Annie's post and I'll be checking on you, too.
Just lovely...and the swallowtail photo is fantastic!
Your photos are beautiful, Bev. I love Colorado Springs and am happy to have found your blog so that I can "visit" whenever I want. And thanks for enabling the Other comment field for me.
Pam, thanks for visiting and I hope to see you often.
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