Later, a neighbor came forward to tell us that he had lost control of his truck. I had an idea it might have been him. He and some friends live in what I call the "party house." Every weekend they sit out front and party until 3 a.m. and I've had to complain about the noise. When the weather gets colder they stay in their big diesel truck and run it for quite a while, several times during the night. Since they rent, I suppose they are out there smoking and whatever else they don't want their landlord to know about. The noise is so loud right outside my window that neither a pillow over my head nor my ipod earphones drown it out. Sooooo... I guess it was nice that he at least admitted that he was the one and even offered to pay for the damage. It's amazing that he would do that, and while I give him credit for doing so, it was very difficult to stand there and "appreciate" his actions, even though that is what I said. I still feel bad about my plants and we told him that we really won't know the damage until we see what happens this spring. Most of my plants are pretty hardy. But still, the fact that I have to put up with this guy and his cohorts all the time just pisses me off. Just one more reason why I can't stand the guy. Ughhh!!!
On the lighter side, it was a beautiful (if icy) snowfall and we really needed the moisture. One of our NICE neighbors brought their St. Bernard over to console us and have some fun.
I'm sorry to hear about your plants being smooshed. I hope they will be okay. I think we all have neighbors that we just don't like. Hope you find good news in spring.
Here's hoping your plants survive this mishap. There are always some people who have a hard time growing up. :-(
Bev, I hope you will contact your insurance agent. Your home insurance may cover some of the damages. I know that 99% of your grief is NOT about the money, but your landscape DOES have value, and that's what you pay those premiums for. You may still have your reciepts for your plant purchases this fall, and you certainly have lots of documentation right here on your blog! I urge you to file a claim soon Bev, even if the full extent of the damages won't be known for soome time...!
Thanks for your comments Connie, Vanilla Lotus and Jocelyn. I won't know how much damage has been done until the snow finally starts to melt! Unfortunately, our insurance is $1000 deductible and I doubt that the damage will reach that amount. Thanks for caring.
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